This policy explains our guidelines and procedures for processing, refunds, and replacement.
To uphold values of honest trading, and fairness which are strictly abided by Arab Dropshipping, you must ensure the following:
Ensure that in your creatives, you may not advertise product features that it doesn’t entail. The product SKU list ( variant, colour, and size) mentioned on Arab Dropshipping, must be the same as advertised on store.
You must keep in check that product pricing is at reasonable tangents, to ensure the customer has realistic expectations from the product.
Please be aware that Arab Dropshipping is not legally liable for any losses or damage of inventory during storage. It would only be if such a loss was a result of willful misconduct or gross negligence.
For customised returns and refunds policy, please find the costs below:
If for any reason, you want to initiate a refund, the following prices will be charged.
Fulfilment and shipping cost of the initial order: 20 AED
Cost of product pickup and refund: 5 AED
Be aware that in the case of refund, the sale amount of the transaction will be reversed from your account.
To ensure ease for you in all circumstances, when dealing with a security risk, Arab Dropshipping will initiate a refund for the customer. In such a case, we will bear the cost of refund, and only the sale amount of that transaction will be reversed from your account. Note, that such a case happens rarely, but in case they occur, we mention them in your weekly payment invoice.
Note: Once the 3 day deadline has expired, or we have declared that the product doesn’t entail any fault, yet you initiate product replacement. The following cost will be charged to you for the replacement operations.
23 AED/ Replacement
For any queries regarding Repayment policy, please contact us.
Contact number: +971 547445447
Kindly, retain your order information, and any relevant documentation, as it may be required for the processing of your replacement request.
ThankYou !